Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year!!!!

Alternatively entitled, The Stuff They'll Discuss at my Commitment Hearing.

Yesterday, my son and I spent the afternoon with our friends, Christi and Elon. Christi is from Germany. She lights a sparkler and pops the cork on her champagne at 6 pm, because that's when the New Year arrives in Germany.

She also does all of her laundry on Dec 31st because Germans consider it bad luck to carry the dirt from one year into the next.

WELL ... you know what will happen when THAT kind of idea gets put into Rose's head ...

When William and I got home at 7:30 pm, I changed into my jammies, gathered up all the laundry, and started washing. Then I decided, the kitchen and dining room floors should be swept too .. and the rugs shook out ... and the floors mopped ... and all garbage taken out of the house ... and the compost ... and since there weren't enough dishes to run the dishwasher, let's wash them by hand ... and since there's this sink full of soapy water, let's really clean those counters .. and the microwave ... and hey, that oven is self-cleaning, ya know!

Naturally, I hung up all the clothes to dry .. none of this bad laundry karma for me ..

And for the next couple of hours, I was a crazed hausfrau .. ok, crazed is not the right word .. I was ENERGIZED! and MOTIVATED!! You got a problem with that?

And after I took all of the garbage out to the garage, I stood out in the yard and embraced the winds. All of the snow melted yesterday, and the winds felt like the Chinook. I opened my arms, and let the winds of change carry all of the dirt of the old year right off of me.

It's a fresh year .. a clean start .. may there be peace on earth, and may it start in everyone's own heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just ran across your blog today (2/19/08). The Chinese believe you shouldn't take your garbage out for three days during the New Year so you don't throw out the good luck. They also believe the cleaning idea....and new socks/underwear so you're new from the inside out. :)