Saturday, July 02, 2005

He forgot border-hopping nurses but I'll play along anyway.

Canada's new ambassador to the United States, Frank McKenna, has charged Canadian ex-pats with a new mission: to take our country's message to Americans.

Mr. McKenna is asking Florida/Arizona snowbirds, Hollywood actors/comedians, NYC investment bankers, and the university academic community to dispel myths about the Great White North .. you know, the stuff Bill O'Reilly usually spouts when he's run out of other things about which to spew venom be righteously indignant.

So, here's my public service announcement, lifted straight from the Toronto Star:

Canada is the largest source of imported crude oil in the U.S., bigger than Saudi Arabia or the yet untested reserves of Iraq.

The country has rotated 13,500 troops in the war on terror, has committed $300 million to rebuilding Iraq and is about to deploy a reconstruction team to Afghanistan.

None of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorists entered the U.S. from Canada.

Canada-U.S. trade supports more than five million American jobs.

And while we're on the subject of Canada's gifts to the world, I'd just like to apologize, on behalf of my home and native land, for Mike Myers' blasphemous touch on The Cat in the Hat, and for Jim Carrey's sulleying of The Grinch. Please, Mrs. Geisel, do not allow any Canadian comedians to touch your late husband's works. I'm begging here.

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