Monday, September 05, 2005

Still obsessed with hurricane coverage

I'm thinking with my fingers here as I am watching continuing coverage from WWL TV. Bush the Elder is talking at a press conference in Houston at this time.
He's standing in front of some sort of panel, emblazened with a swanky logo proclaiming the "Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund". It's very pretty, but I can't help wondering how much it cost to make this backdrop. It seems to me that window dressing for the photo-op is a pretty low priority, and I'm wondering how many blankets, pillows, toothbrushes, and other basic necessities could have been purchased for Katrina survivors with the money spent on this pretty panel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, the photo-op.
One might want to check out the front page of the Toronto Globe and Mail newspaper article dated September 6th. /05 and click on Stronach's Luxurious Haven for Victims of Katrina.