Wednesday, November 30, 2005

An urgent SOS from Chocolate the Wundermutt

Whine whimper whine whine whine:

Aaaaarrooooooooohhhh! Ruff ruff whine whimper whimper!


Dear Animal Rescue Agency or anyone who will listen:
I am writing to you under the most dire of circumstances. Since joining my current family, I have only gained 20 pounds. My human refuses to heat my food in the microwave. I have to perform demeaning tricks like sitting and shaking paws before receiving my treats. I am allowed only two pillows when I sleep on the human's bed - imagine! When I recline on the couch after our daily 2-mile walk, there is only one pillow upon which I can rest my weary head! Please see photo below for proof of the bleak nature of my existence.
Whinefully yours,


Anonymous said...

Chocolate :
Just be thankful your humans do not make you wear clothes.


Anonymous said...

But be thankful that you did get to wear those beautiful pink stilettos, if only for one moment in time.