Saturday, January 07, 2006

Here come the NIMBYs

One look at the trees in my yard will tell you which way the wind blows. We often experience strong winds coming off of Lake Ontario, and our pine trees lean to the east as a result. My solar and wind-powered clothes dryer makes efficient use of this phenomenon.

On a larger scale, Governor Pataki wants harness the prevailing winds with a series of windmill farms around upstate NY. Predictably, there is NIMBY* type opposition to this proposal, spearheaded by Tom Golisano, no less. The same story is playing out in Prince Edward County, where my parents live.

Why do we, collectively, insist upon cutting off our noses to spite our faces?

On the flip side of this equation, I'm not hearing a lot about energy conservation. We are an incredibly wasteful lot on both sides of the border when it comes to electricity, and it's gonna come back to bite us in our collective, ample butts.

*Not In My Back Yard

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