Monday, March 13, 2006

Snow Geese, March 13, 2006

This afternoon, I was able to capture some images of the migrating snow geese. They made a quick stop in the corn stubble just down the road from here before departing for the Arctic Tundra.

Click on each image to enlarge. These pictures were taken with a Panasonic DMC-LC33 Lumix 3.1 megapixel, 3X optical zoom camera.

I am experiencing a severe case of technolust for the 6.0 meg, 10X optical zoom cameras I saw at Sam's Club last month.

Preflight inspection Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

You are your Father's Daughter. you suffer from technolust!!

By any chance is there a special day in this Month that is of intrest to you ?

I am not refering to the fact that tonight I agreed with Ranting Rex.


Anonymous said...

Special Day, indeed!

Great photos!! Coincidentally, we saw a small flock of migrating geese this weekend - Canadian geese. It is a rare sighting for our neck of the woods, so it was very cool to watch them play/clean themselves in the water and forage for food in a field for about 20 minutes. There were at least 30 of them. And as we were watching, a flock of other birds, ducks or geese flew over. It was very cool.